I've been training professionally for around 7 years as a contractor, working in a few different locations over the years. Primarily my work has been in obedience and behavioral modification, therapy dogs and service dog training. My therapy dog team has been running for four years, and one of my own dogs has been volunteering with me as a therapy dog for five. I am now moving away from offering basic obedience and behavioral help and transitioning to doing therapy and service training exclusively. I have pursued continuing education in a variety of areas such as Pet CPR and First AID, NePoPo New Silver School, scent detection by Pat Nolan and ecollar training.
In my personal life I have a loving wife and four dogs. A GSD (therapy dog), a belgian malinois (personal service dog), a jack russell terrier (sport dog) and a half GSD-half dutch shepherd (sport dog)
My primary area of service dog training expertise is in PTSD and autism dogs, however I have experience training a variety of service dog types, including hearing and allergen detection