Become a Member
Become a member of the IACP and join other industry professionals working to make a difference!
Professional Membership
$125 Annually
A Professional Member must be an individual who has a minimum of 5 years experience as a practicing canine professional.
Use of the IACP name and Professional logo on business material
Enjoys voting rights on Association issues
Eligible to take IACP Dog Trainer Certification Exams
Inclusion in our “Find a Professional” database
Eligible to speak at IACP Regional Gatherings
Facebook IACP Member Group and Regional Groups
Members-only online educational materials, webinars and business resources
Electronic semi-annual Canine Professional Journal and IACP Bulletin
Highest discounts to IACP annual Conference
Eligible to bring a personal dog to IACP events
Discounts on sponsor products and business insurance coverage
Eligible to serve on IACP Committees

Associate Membership
$100 Annually
An Associate Member is an individual who has fewer than 5 years experience as a practicing canine professional.
- Inclusion in our “Find a Professional” database
- Use of the IACP name and Associate logo on business materials
- Eligible to take IACP Dog Trainer Certification Exams
- Facebook IACP Member Group and Regional Groups
- Members-only online educational materials
- Electronic semi-annual Canine Professional Journal and IACP Bulletin
- Discounts to annual Conference, sponsor products, and insurance coverage
- Eligible to volunteer for some IACP committees or projects

Affiliate Membership
$75 Annually
Affiliate level membership is intended for, but not limited to, those who train, rehabilitate, compete or show dogs on a regular basis but are not being paid for their services. IACP welcomes show dog handlers, rescue/shelter volunteers, and dog sport competitors.
Do you volunteer in a shelter or rescue group? Do you compete, or do Therapy work, with your dog? Are you a dog owner with an interest in training and behavior? Do you have designs on one day earning a living with dogs? This membership level is for you!
- Eligible to take the IACP Dog Trainer Foundation Exam
- Electronic semi-annual Canine Professional Journal and IACP Bulletin
- Discounts on the Annual Educational Conference registration

Supporting Membership
$65 Annually
Supporting membership is intended for those individuals, companies, or organizations who support the goals, positions, and mission of the IACP. We appreciate the support from retailers, dog supply companies, rescue groups, shelters, breeders and like minded individuals.
- Eligible to take the IACP Dog Trainer Foundation Exam
- Electronic semi-annual Canine Professional Journal and IACP Bulletin
- Discounts on the Annual Educational Conference registration