IACP Code of Conduct & Ethics

Our members, along with the dogs and families they impact on a daily basis are the source of our strength and influence as a Professional Organization.

The everyday professionalism of our members along with the services they provide to their clients will determine our reputation and impact on the industry. All members shall adhere to the Code of Conduct which provides a guide for our daily interactions to our clients and the dogs they own.

Each individual member of the International Association of Canine Professionals shall:

  • Professionally conduct themselves honestly, and with trust and respect at all times towards other members, clients and the general public regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin or current country of citizenship.
  • Assist in maintaining the honor and reputation of the IACP and their Profession and avoid any form of fraud, deception or impropriety, discrimination or violence.
  • Serve his/her client or customers competently and proficiently with proper care and attention.
  • Use professional judgment on behalf of each client or customer without regard to personal interests or interests of other clients or the desire of another person(s).
  • Not undertake any service or employment for which he/she is not competent.
  • Determine his/her ability to be of professional assistance to a client. Should the expertise required fall outside the realm of the member’s capability he/she shall seek appropriate answers and/ or support, or refer out to a fellow professional with the necessary experience and ability.
  • Continue to further his/her education and increase his/her knowledge, skills and experience to stay current and be able to increase the well being of themselves, the profession, clients, customers, dogs, the dog ownership community and other affiliated bodies.
  • IACP members may not seek to deprive any canine professional of his or her ability to conduct his or her business by seeking to restrict or ban accepted and established tools of the trade, or by seeking to restrict or ban accepted and established techniques and practices within the industry through calls for boycotts, restrictions, bans, or other actions designed to interfere with free marketplace participation of a canine professional in his or her business. Accepted and established tools of the trade include, but are not limited to, leashes, harnesses, training collars, slip collars, prong collars, head halters, remote electronic collars, and electronic pet containment systems. Accepted and established techniques and practices include, but are not limited to, those techniques and practices described in published books, videos, and professional seminars. A personal preference shall be allowed in the individual member’s choice of methods, equipment and techniques within their own practice.
  • Give his/her client an honest opinion when consulted, and avoid bold, confident and false assurances to obtain employment, sales and/or status.
  • Not give false information to the Association. Doing so shall be considered grounds for lifetime dismissal.
  • Accept that individual member’s fees charged to the community shall be a matter between the member and their client.
  • Conduct themselves in a business like and professional manner while maintaining empathy and understanding for the needs of the client, customer and dog.
  • Use professional judgement and where it is considered of benefit to the client and/or dog, engage in consultation with other professionals to seek advice and assistance. All communications between professionals with regard to clients shall be responsible, respectful, and effective while remaining confidential endeavoring to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the professional/client relationship.
  • Cooperate with the IACP’s President, Board of Directors or Ethics Committee (should one be assigned) on any reported violation. Following a full investigation and adjudication of any violation, the Ethics Committee will be required to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on any action that may be taken. The final decision will rest with the Board.
  • Any member who has been convicted in court of cruelty to dogs or inhumane treatment of animals shall be terminated from the International Association of Canine Professionals and all privileges withdrawn. The IACP has a zero tolerance policy and will not tolerate any acts of discrimination, acts of hate, acts of violence, bullying, sexual harassment, coercion, intimidation, or any act of that impedes or interferes with anyone’s civil rights. The IACP, while striving to maintain the highest standards of conduct among its members, shall not and cannot be responsible in any way for the individual acts of its members.

The IACP has a zero tolerance policy and will not tolerate any acts of discrimination, acts of hate, acts of violence, bullying, sexual harassment, coercion, intimidation, or any act of that impedes or interferes with anyone's civil rights.

The IACP, while striving to maintain the highest standards of conduct among its members, shall not and cannot be responsible in any way for the individual acts of its members.

IACP Certificant Code of Ethics

Affidavit for Certificants

  • I promise to uphold the integrity and professionalism representative of an IACP certified trainer.
  • I promise to acknowledge the limits of my knowledge, skills, and abilities. Should I not be proficient in skills or knowledge to assist the client, then I will seek outside support or refer out to a qualified professional.
  • I promise to pursue excellence in the dog training profession by learning a wide variety of dog training techniques, theories, and methods.
  • I promise to self-critique to improve my communication and effectiveness with clients.
  • I promise to adhere to certification renewal requirements as put forth by the IACP Continuing Education Units Policy.
  • I promise to cooperate with the Education and Certification Committee and/or the IACP Board of Directors on any reported violation.
  • I promise to refrain from giving overstated or false promises, quick fixes, or guaranteed results for dog training services.
  • I promise to keep client personal information and other client identifying factors confidential so as not identity clients to others without written consent of the client.
  • I promise to maintain professional business practices such as accurate contracts, pricing, and delivery of services.
  • I promise to disclose the cost for services clearly and accurately.
  • I promise to use only the tools, equipment, methods, and techniques that I am proficient enough to incorporate into the training practice in a humane way; by ensuring that the preferred tools, equipment, method, or technique does not take precedence over their effectiveness should it be evident that the method or tool is not compatible or productive, with the dog’s response, lack of response, or creating undue stress that is counterproductive to a learning environment.
  • I promise to treat all dogs and other animals in accordance with all federal laws as they pertain to animal welfare and the humane treatment of animals.
  • If I am an IACP Certificant in the USA, I will also adhere to the state, county, city, and local municipal ordinances where I conduct and/or provide professional dog training services.
  • If I am an IACP Certificant in another country, I will also adhere to laws that govern my conduct while providing professional dog training services.