IACP International Scholarship

This scholarship was adopted in 2024 as a way to encourage attendance of our international members to the IACP Annual Educational Conference (AEC), and Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM). 

The formation of a new scholarship was presented and approved by the IACP Board of Directors in March of 2024. The new International Attendee Scholarship was funded through two generous donations with the intention to encourage AEC and AGM attendance through offering financial resources to IACP Professional and Associate members who are not US citizens and reside outside the US and US territories. 

Questions relating to this scholarship, or any technical issues in completing this form may be sent to: [email protected]  


    International Attendee Scholarship Rules

    Applicants must complete the form below.

    1. Previous recipients may not re-apply.
    2. Applicants must not hold citizenship in the United States.
    3. Applicants must reside outside of the USA and US territories. 
    4. Applicants must be over the age of 18 years old.
    5. Applicants must be Professional or Associate level members of the IACP. 
    6. Applicants must have the ability to travel to and from the IACP conference.
    7. Applicants must write and submit an essay (500-1000 word) detailing:
      a. Why IACP membership is important to the applicant. 
      b. Detailed information as to why the applicant believes attendance at the Annual Educational Conference would be important to the applicant.
      c. Name(s) of speaker(s) the applicant would like to hear at an IACP conference. 
    8. Applicants must include a photograph of themselves, which, if selected, will be used in IACP media materials. 
    9. Applicants may, but are not required to, include a brief (1-5 minute) video outlining their essay (number 7). 
    10. In 2025, up to two recipients may be selected from the applications submitted. 
    11. This award may not be transferred.
    12. This award has no cash value.

    One scholarship recipient annually will be awarded

    1. One (1) admission to in person attendance at the IACP Annual Educational Conference, including Gala.
    2. In person attendance includes all the benefits and restrictions of a paid ticket holder.   
    3. Attendance at one of our Pre-Conference Events.
    4. Breakfast & lunch while at conference.
    5. Lodging at the Hyatt Regency, Savannah.
    6. Up to $1,000 stipend for travel to and from the conference venue.


    Important 2025 Dates

    Application submissions due: March 15, 2025
    Scholarship recipients notified on or before: April 1, 2025